How Mobile Apps Help Nurses Do Without Stress At Work

Health care providers are particularly affected by high-stress working conditions. Extended work shifts of twelve hours instead of eight, heavy responsibility combined with high emotional exhaustion are mainly the reasons of job dissatisfaction among nursing personnel.

Health care providers are particularly affected by high-stress working conditions. Extended work shifts of twelve hours instead of eight, heavy responsibility combined with high emotional exhaustion are mainly the reasons of job dissatisfaction among nursing personnel. Researches show that nurses who work more than 9 hours a day are more likely to be unpleased with their job, they burnout and have a strong desire to quit.

To prevent professional burnout and enhance patient outcomes, the IT service providers have come up with some remarkable solutions. A special attention is paid to mobile apps that are developed exclusively for nurses in order to help them manage  patient- and tasks-related information in real time, as well as provide access to any data they need at the point of care. Let’s take a look at some apps for Android and iOS that are well positioned to streamline critical tasks of nursing personnel and help them relieve tension.

For education

Every medical specialty entails continuous professional development, including self-motivation and education. Here are three most valuable educational apps that will definitely come in handy.

Google Play

It is a suite of  different solutions for a wide range of healthcare professionals. Nurses of any speciality can enjoy a bundle of PEPID products, e.g. RN Care Plan Pro with care plan templates or Portable Drug Companion with drags database and calculators. PEPID helps to improve competence and not to miss vital information while carrying out professional responsibilities.

Google Play
This app provides a unique opportunity to get in touch with a huge community of peers from around the globe, ask questions and share professional experience. Moreover, users can access a media library of medications and dosages, illustrations, useful articles, and other valuable medical information.

Nursing Central
Google Play
The app is rightfully considered to be one of the greatest information sources for nurses. It offers answers to thousands of questions about drugs or laboratory and diagnostic tests. Users have access to the entire MEDLINE/PubMed database as well as a plethora of topics in the study system Grasp™.

For self-care

Work is work, but for nurses it is essential to take as much care of themselves as they do of their patients. Self-care doesn’t mean being ‘selfish’. What it means is devoting more time to oneself to cope with stress, exhaustion, and the blues.

Wellbeing for Nurses Magazine
If you don’t know how to handle stress and professional burnout, find those who have already walked this way. The app offers informative articles by hundreds of experts in health, happiness, and well-being. Moreover, you’ll find hilarious stories sent by nurses from all over the world.

Google Play
Stress, anxiety, and depression can be taken under control with Happify. The app allows setting wellbeing goals, offers games and activities and helps track the happiness rate and how it changes over time. The app not only helps combat stress, but it also fuels career success and facilitates self-confidence.

Sleep Cycle
Google Play
Healthy sleep is something that every nurse lacks because of night shifts, stressful working conditions, and overall fatigue. Sleep Cycle comes to your aid when it’s necessary to get enough sleep in less time and keep its quality. The app works as a smart alarm that  adjusts to your sleep habits and wakes you up at the right sleep phase.

For communication

Another important constituent of nurses’ efficient work is the ability to be in continuous contact  with patients, fellow nurses, and doctors. Mobile apps let medical staff find solutions to any problem promptly, keep in touch with patients or stay informed about any changes.

Google Play
The app was designed with the aim of allowing nurses more facetime with their patients. PatientTouch is also used as a collaboration platform that delivers HIPAA compliant texting, voice calls, alerts and, above all, real-time patient information.

Pagers have become a thing of the past. The Cortext app is now one of the best options for communication and patient care improvement. The app allows sending secure messages to doctors, fellow nurses and patients both inside and outside the hospital.

For patient care

Taking direct care of patients is the key element of every nurse’s work. A  well organized workflow will not only increase patient outcomes but also reduce stress because unforeseen situations are likely to seldom occur.

MediBabble Translator
It may sound surprising, but yes, every nurse needs this app. Situations when you need to speak to a foreigner are stressful. MediBabble appears to be a stress killer as it serves as  a translating tool for medical staff with quite a number of languages and medical vocabulary.

Google Play
It is impossible to keep all the information about diseases in mind and that is when Symptomate comes to the aid. It helps to get rid of a fear of forgetting necessary information and finds all the possible causes and symptoms of diseases.

For time-management

The ability to effectively organize all the activities at work is an important quality of every professional. Time management is indispensable to nurses, for it is really very complicated to plan every minute of a 12-hour shift. Here are some useful apps at your disposal.

Described as “the first calendar for nurses, by nurses”, this app improves performance by arranging an optimized working process. Nurses can add their shifts, see who they work with, sync the app with third-party services, find colleagues to swap shifts with.

Shift Organizer
Google Play
With one patient or five, in a surgical ward or intensive care unit, Shift Organizer will help to plan all the activities to ensure the best-quality treatment to patients without nurses being knocked down toward the end of the shift.


We have just covered some of the most popular solutions that offer assistance in dealing with stressful situations nurses have to go through at work. Although shifts will not be shorter and the number of patients will not go down, these apps will definitely help to optimize the working process, save time and effort on some routine and critical duties and, of course, improve job satisfaction of nursing staff. Custom medical mobile apps are best option to combine all the necessary functions that are vital for nurses. if you are ready to build a stunning app, contact Softvelopers. We know how to make mobile apps work for healthcare.

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